自衛隊派遣を政府が決断した記者会見で、小泉首相は「日米同盟」と共に「民主主義」という言葉を数回にわたって用いた。同時に、憲法第九条や自衛隊法に触れる代わりに、憲法の前文をパッと読み上げた。以降、只今校正中(一朗)憲法前文に理想的な民主主義や公民責務が身近な文書のみ記載され、第九条の方は自兵隊について何も参照結されている。訳は、民兵法は元憲法の数十年後年に日本政府の手で作成され、米政府の了承を得た。ついで、PKOやPKFなどの海外派遣を許す法律が加えられ、自衛隊法は最大の落とし穴に化けた。あぁ、哀れな民衆! 15分以上かけても明確な説明も出来ない日本国代表の最高責任者を持つ国民は本当に可哀そうだ。または、会見中の記者自由質問内容は本当にみっともないものであった。日本の新聞や放送機関は、政治や政治家に対して客観的な態度を持ちえない記者を雇っており、国民の期待に答える何の能力も有しない。
第一に,何故小泉は米国の政策に於いて自分の意見を明らかに表現できないのだろうか? 中国、朝鮮、東アジアなど、或いは、別方面に秀吉の朝鮮戦略及び植民開拓意識も含めて、アメリカのテロ政策は、過去の日本と同様な戦略国政策である。反米政策を示す他国は全てテロを支持する者とブッシュは明白に述べた。初めて首相として任命された時、小泉の人気は80%を超えた。然し、結果は旧森政権より目立つ進歩を示せず、反面、税、厚生年金と健康保険改正、消費税の切り上げなどは近い招来に国民を苦しめる。危険負担資本によって建設される高速道路、不良債権に数でまさる不良銀行や百円以下の株価値しか持ってないゼネコンなどに無駄な公的資金をばら蒔く財務省は現政府の特徴である。公債は全人口一人当たり5百万を超える、しかも政府は税の引き上げいがい真当な節約対策を実行できない。政界資格のない小泉は、自己党、公明党や旧首相、知恵のない専門家などの指図に従ってできない。ブッシュの可愛がるチワワである小泉総理は、参議院本会議の答弁に致してただ吠え、若しくは、関係分署のぼやけた課題を頭下げた状態で上げるだけ。その様な悲劇ごとは全閣僚に及ぼす。
Date : | 2003.12.06 Ref.: F-120601 |
Addressee : | TIME MAGAZINE |
Attention : | LETTERS TO THE EDITOR, Tokyo |
I am rather disappointed that the policies adopted by the US government only serve to ensure American interests instead of paying genuine attention to the outside world. Concerning the fight against terrorism, America avails itself of violence and weaponry more terrific than used by so-called "anarchists". If American politicians were intelligent and truly honest, they would undoubtedly come to the conclusion that terrorism is the product of past American policies which degenerated and aggravated coercion in poor countries urged to adopt democracy. As regards degenerated forms of government, Plato in Π?ΛΙΤΕΙΑ assigns democracy the second place after aristocracy [especially when relating to Minoa and Sparta], and oligarchy in line with tyranny. US democracy therefore relates more to a new form of demagogy than anything else.
Many politicians speak about freedom without knowing the specific rules involved therefore, whereas to protect one's family, one's community, one's prerogatives are but a minim part of the basic rules associated with freedom. Few enlightened persons engaged in politics stress the importance of protecting one's environment, providing free assistance to those in need and coercion. Irrespective of the fact that all countries are opting for democratic systems advocated by Western Powers, we may dispute whether the examples shown by these Powers are really worthwhile to serve the citizenry and eradicate oligarchy.
Today's men aiming at becoming leaders do not need to prove their aptitude and wisdom. They mostly strive to proclaim a deceptive willingness to serve the people [i.e., themselves], squandering enormous sums of money to achieve their purpose. The money spent for the sake of courting favour from the citizenry must consequently be retrieved, thereby giving rise to something akin to oligarchy, stimulating the gap between those who hold the reins of the government and the citizenry. On the other hand, many modern democratic governments rely on experts and insiders, the majority of whom are incapable to legislate correctly, albeit encouraging bribery and scandals hidden in smoke-filled congressional backrooms. Just now, the presidential carnival is starting in the US to elect a President who most likely will be incapable to insure world's peace. The concepts of Liberty (Freedom), Impartiality and Brotherhood traceable to Voltaire, Locke and like 18th century French and British thinkers first adopted by the Directoire (1795 ? 1799) but abrogated by Napoleon I are presently lacking of significance.
As regards terrorism or desperate resistance, let's first consider the case of the Moro people who used to live at peace in their ancestral land in Mindanao. Various laws enforced in the early 20th century by the colonial government (US specifically) proclaimed the Moro land as public land, legalizing land grabbing by foreign and Northern Filipino concerns. The harbour in Mindanao serving to ship excessive amounts of logs to Japan, the large Dole (US) pineapple and Sumitomo (Japanese) banana plantations, all works achieved without proper retribution to the Moro people, are typical examples showing the effect of economic exploitation. The situation aggravated under the leadership of Marcos, and Aquino, while the present government requests the US to help the Filipino army to eradicate the MILF and force the Moro minority to live in segregated areas. A likewise land grabbing and environmental despoilment occurs in Luzon, though no media are reporting about.
A serious situation concerns Israel and Palestine. It is rather surprising that Israel, a country reinstated by the US and Great Britain after World War II does not strive to recognize Palestine to exist as a free-neighbouring land, still partly occupied by settlers following the Six-Day War and endless hostilities to assert Israel's superiority. Today, Israel follows the East-Germans'intent of building a concrete wall around occupied settlements to "protect-sic" against coercive violence by Hamas intruders.
The reinstatement of Israel orchestrated by Western Powers aimed at the creation of a free Jewish land in biblical Judea as a countermove to the Jewish Diaspora in Communist Eastern Europe, the result of which was believed to be acceptable and ensure peace in the Middle East and Estern Europe as well. The Judean kingdom related in the Old Testament is said to have been established by Abraham as the Jewish people departed from Egypt. At that time, God appeared and told Abraham to look Northwards, Eastwards, Southwards, then Westwards: "I give you and your descendants in sempiternum [for ever and ever] all the land you possibly can see". (Re.: Genesis, chapter VII 14-15). Later God promises Abraham: "The land that spans from the Nile till the Euphrates is now yours". (Re.: Genesis, chapter XV 18). It is probable that neo-conservatives Israelis pay allegiance to these principles and wish to subjugate Palestine with the benediction of pro- and Jewish US politicians.
The profound influence exerted by Abraham is asserted by Chaldean, Persian and peoples bordering the Tigris and Euphrates basin. The names Kish-Ibrahim, Milat-Ibrahim, and most ancient traditional religions bear a striking resemblance to Abraham. Many Arabs at the time attributed the erection of the Mecca to Abraham. On the other hand, Muhammad's Koran states: "Abraham was a neither Jewish nor Christian, but a true orthodox Moslem, independent from those practicing Yahwist faiths". Although the Law of Moses and Mishnah contained in the Talmud does not differ much from the Koran, all parties that contributed to the founding of modern Israel to the detriment of Palestine should bear the responsibility to peacefully settle the religious and political animosity in today's Judea.
Israel occupying only a part of Judea within the confines of Palestine was, according to the Bible, claimed to be a rich and prosperous kingdom, the assertion of which was mostly ignored by civilizations bordering the Nile, Jordan, Tigris, Euphrates rivers and their tributaries. Today's problem can therefore be ascribed to Israel and Western Powers not providing proper compensation to Palestinians affected by land transfer (i.e., grabbing) and restricted freedom. Animosity espoused by fundamental Moslems (not only in Palestine but the entire Islam World) is surely the product of increasing exasperation concerning unsolved status-quo, subsequent humiliation by Western Powers, inconsequent land transfer without due consideration to local ethics, customs, and natural resources (petroleum, natural gas, etc.). Increasing animosity will undoubtedly foment new forms of resistance as religious faiths (Christian included) seem to appeal to strict fundamentalist doctrines.
The situation is murkier concerning to Iraq, as nothing is disclosed about the real cause leading to the invasion of Kuwait. Kuwait, originally an intrinsic part of Southern Iraq rich in petroleum and natural gas, partitioned by Great-Britain in mid-20th century. Iraq tried to recover lost land, to no avail owing to Gulf War I and severe economic sanctions. The CIA using all available means (monetary payback, etc.) to stir political opposition by Iraqis living abroad, in Kurdistan as well as mainland Iraq gave rise to coercion by the Saddam regime. Especially following 9/11, (especially as a pretext to mask out the failure of preventing that unfortunate "Terrorist" Deed) the US repeatedly accused Saddam of disregarding UN regulations, developing MDW and promoting Al-queda.
Surprising is that the UN Security Council took no action to censure the US and Great Britain for single- handedly invading Iraq, yet the US requests the UN to provide assistance to clear up the mess resulting therefore. No action is taken to force the US from developing new MDW and nuclear weaponry. The indiscriminate use of fearsome cluster bombs and high-piercing weapons made from depleted uranium waste (DU) spewing considerable radioactivity irrespectively of official denials by US military authorities, though that particular effect is distinctly is acquiesced by Nagasaki and Hiroshima experts who visited Iraq on various occasions after the Gulf War I as well as recently. Mr. Bush and Co.'s intend in requesting UN assistance to solve the situation in Iraq, strangely resembles the action used by Panurge who threw sheep to the sea so as to keep his ship afloat and reach the shore to the "Divine [Wine] Flask."
Quite probably, dull-witted editors at Time Inc. are too shy to report and propose policies which the US and UN should adopt to promote world peace, though preferring to ruminate governmental prose without judging its adequacy. Objective comments and essays published in your Magazine are very rare, probably because a great many appear to be written by people ignorant of historical and independent political knowledge. Articles on sport mostly recount stories on the billions of dollar spent by team owners to attract foreign and local performers or on athletes using illegal steroids. With respect to the Summer and Winter Olympic Games, competing entries like baseball, softball, football, cycle races, snowboard, and a great many others having no whatever relation with the original Games regulated by the CICG in Lausanne, as well as the use of professional participants and inadmissible advertisement (an invention typically adopted by the US during the Games in Los Angeles) should be prohibited in order to revert to true amateurism. Considering illegal drugging, not only incriminated athletes should be punished, but the entire participating country should immediately be barred from the Games! This would ensure true and a clean sporting spirit. Articles on business often treat of large industries, multinationals and irrelevant investments, etc., paying little or no attention to restrict pollution and the severe competition inherent to shrinking market owing to the over-production of automotive conveyances, TV sets, personal computers and electronic implements etc., the effect of which will surely worsen the worldwide depression in coming years. Music for itself almost exclusively deals with the US mode of canned jazz noise, while articles on cinema (formerly considered as the seventh art), and its sister applications (TV, video recording, DVD) emphasize violence and artificial gimmickry unrelated to pure artistry: 95-percent of motion pictures produced in Hollywood show incompetent actors using guns and indiscriminate killing of protagonists with grand fanfare from critics contributing to your Magazine.
The majority of US media seem to take pleasure in publishing reports retracing difficulties encountered in Mainland China, Burma, Tibet, Nepal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Malaysia and other Moslem countries that do not acquiesce to the US form of governance but yet wish dearly to correct abuses and prevent corruption. It was quite fitful that Mahatir rejected the financial assistance proposed by the World Bank and the IMF as well as the African President who refused US food because of it being tinted with cloned crops. Although Chirac said that he appreciated junk food, this assertion was just to please Americans for if he was to choose from a MD hamburger and pate de foie gras, he undoubtedly would select the French dish with a cup of good Burgundy rather than the insipid MD stuff.
Consequently, so long as the US allows the CIA and Security Service keep on spying foreign countries, be they Moslems, North Korea, Russia, China or else, the war on Terrorism involving preemptive military strikes will never succeed. World peace could nevertheless be achieved if every country were to pay due importance to solve the cause of worldwide resistance: material exploitation, forced religious and political conversion without proper attention to local ethics and customs; only serves to create new forms of colonialism more dangerous than anything like that happened during past centuries. This indeed widely differs from the use and development of frightful armament serving to subjugate so-called Terrorism!
Even though the Congress and the Supreme Court of Justice may consider the motto "Rex non potest peccare" to apply to the Presidency, that motto is absolutely inappropriate as regards relations with foreign countries. It is consequently up to your Magazine to propose and force the conservative government to promulgate true and fresh concepts, independent from Christian and Yahwist faiths. It is pitiful indeed to see Bush et al. attending church and praying God to give hear to saving the world even if tens of thousand people must be sacrificed to achieve their aim.
Trusting the words above will serve their purpose and be well received,
P. H. Chappuis