line-1 : line-2 : line-3 : line-4 : line-5 : line-6 : line-7 : line-8 : line-9 : line-10 : line-11 : line-12 : line-13 : line-14 : line-15 : line-16 : | Well, you know that I'm not a gambler but I'm being gambled on They put in a nickel and I sing a little song, da da, da da They put in a nickel and I sing a little song Well, I don't mind that they're lucky but it seems that they always win And gamblin' is illegal in the state of mind I'm in And if I had a nickel for each time that I've been put on I would be their nickel man and I'd sing a little song They're only putting in a nickel and they want a dollar song They're only putting in a little to get rid of a lot that's wrong Well, I don't know so many things but I know what's been goin' on We're only putting in a little to get rid of a lot that's wrong And if we had a nickel for each time that we've been put on We'd all be their nickel man and we'd sing a nickel song ou know they're only putting in a nickel and they win a dollar song Oh, yeah, they're only putting in a little to get rid of a lot that's wrong Oh, they're only putting in a nickel to win a dollar song |
This song is released in 1971 in the album of The Good Book. She was twenty -four and I was second grade of junior high school student. (I am ten years younger) I bought the newly released LP album, the price was two thousand yen at the time. Basically the words in Melanie's songs were not difficult for me or young students in Japan; however, depicting the scene and describing the vivid emotion woven in between the lines and words is different from translating the words in dictionaries. I need to wait until I grow up and be sophisticated regarding such as literature background and social issues.
この曲は1971年(日本語版は同年5月)に発売されたLPアルバム「The Good Book」に収録されました。メラニーが24歳の時です。私が中学2年生でしたね。発売されてまもなくLPをレコード店で買いました。LP1枚入りのアルバムは当時2000円程でした。メラニーの曲は概して中学生英語で充分なレベルの単語しか使われていません。上辺の意味を掴むのは容易いことですが、その詩的表現の織りなす状況を頭に描くことや、言葉の行間に存在する含蓄を汲み取るには、それなりの文学的素養や社会的背景を知っている必要があると思います。
Fourty three years have passed, at the mercy of this man's world, surprisingly I found out that Nickel Song is excellent theme song for labor union. The economist Marx said in the book of The Capital that : under capitalism, the deserve labors get is to be smaller value than they produce; it causes the stable advantage of capitalists. So to speek, capitalism socializes class conflict and laborors ought to focus upon it. But they or we sing The Internationale and We Shall Overcome at a rally. Morale-raising is inportant for sure; however ....
あれから43年が経ちました。社会の矛盾に翻弄されるようになった今、改めて聞き返してみましたら、驚いたことにこの曲は労働運動のテーマソングとして優れていることに気がつきました。資本主義体制では、労働者が受け取る報酬は、生産したものの価値より必ず小さくなるとし、資本家の有利な立場が揺るがないと経済学者のマルクスが「資本論」で説きましたが、つまり class conflict 「階級闘争」は常態化するものだし、労働運動の軸足はその点に尽きる訳です。それなのに労働争議などで歌われる唄は「インターナショナル」だったり「we shall overcome」だったりします。士気を鼓舞するのは大事かも知れませんが、その歌詞は運動の軸足について触れておらず、それが為、「一億総中流」等とおだてられて分断工作に他愛もなく乗せられてしまう有様です。