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Melanite's Retreat
mixi Japan メラニー・コレクション

Interpreting Melanie, her poetic expression enlarges my range of thoughts. I love to do it and to share it with beautiful people.

メラニーの歌詞を日本語に訳します。彼女の独特な詩的表現は解釈が多様になると思います。貴方の解釈も付け加えて下さい。メール (MGH00343 at でお知らせいただければと思います。

Songs 曲の紹介

Title 曲名
Chords of Fame
Citiest People
Nickel Song

Dear Melanites,

Recently I was approved to join "Melanie Safka Appreciation Society" by Randy Morrison. He and Ian Walker also join "Melanite's Retreat"; that is the reason why I have reached there.

Let me introduce you myself a little bit. I am Japanese and my native toungue is Japanese. I was born in 1957 and used to listen to Melanie mainly early 1970s. I also could watch many vieos on youtube of which I am appreciated very much because I had many LP records however had watched very few videos. I guess I have watched only once on TV in early 1970s.

I want to say Thank God it's internet! that I could reach to tons of video clips such as Michael Jackson, James Brown, Elvis Presley, Staples Singers, Otis Redding, and but not least Melanie. I love not only her voice and melody line and guitar but also her poetic language. Yet I have some phrases that I can not understand the expression what she is mentioning in the lyrics. Repeatedly listening to her music, then I am understanding them little by little. I enjoy it. I want to share such ideas among Melanites or Melanian.

Best regards, Ichiro KASAI

P.S. Ichiro is my first name and KASAI is my family name.

Ichiro's Best of Melanie 全46曲(DVD)

KASAI-CHAPPUIS 2013年7月24日制作 SAFKAMelanie20130724.cld SAFKAMelanie20130724NtscDvd.iso

Born in 1957, I began to listen to Melanie in 1971 of a junior high school student. Up to senior high school, I listen to her music mostly everyday. Tens of LP album remind me those happy days. And newly discovered videos from internet makes me feel another face of Melanie because I only knew her of her audio. Then I started making DVD titled "lchiro’s Best of Melanie."

1957年生まれの私がメラニーを聞き始めたのは中学生(1971年)の頃からで、高校時代まではよく聞いていた。久しぶりにジャケットを引っ張り出し、ネットからダウンロードしたファイルを柱にDVD「lchiro’s Best of Melanie」を作ることにした。


彼女の衣装はウクライナ系の父親の影響を受けたものか、アメリカ人にはとてもエキソチックに映るだろう。1973年2月にリリースされたLP「Melanie at Carnegie Hall」の中で「Beautifull people」を歌う彼女は、10年前にその曲を作ったと云う。1947年生まれなので16歳での作品になる。
